Insurance is a tool which you can use to reduce your risk and cost by moving it to a insurance company.
For example, you may get Allianz Medical Card to pay off your medical bill without the hospital charging it into your own hard savings.
Also, in the event of loss due to Accident or Death or Disability, insurance is there to pay you a lump sum of money as expenses for cost of living or as benefits to your next of kin in your family.
Allianz offers variety of insurance policy that you can choose from such as:
1) Protection Plan - a payable lump sum of money in the event of Death, TPD or 36 Critical illness (Latest 2014, you can cover up to 120 Critical Illness)
2) Medical Card - a "credit card" that is used in the event that you are hospitalized and this is to pay for your medical fees and nowadays hospital bills are not cheap and could easily burn a hole in your saving account.
3) Saving Plan - a saving plan for those who don't have the habit of saving which this will provide you a forced saving for a period of time so that you can use it as a fund for future purposes.
4) Retirement Fund - EPF may not be sufficient as statistic have shown that most EPF funds were used finished within 3 - 5 years. This will help you to save another extra fund as retirement.
5) Keyman Policy - Running a business ? Protect your company asset by assuring your business partners who are important to you or who are shareholders. Should anything were to happen to anyone of them, the policy will be used to buy over their shareholding of the company. Otherwise you will need to fork out a lot of money at one go which could disrupt your business cash flow.
Should you require any assistance or consultation. Feel free to call me @ 016 332 3290 for your insurance needs.
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